Random Thoughts of an Auto-Didactic Designer

Archive for the ‘Product’ Category

What every Startup founder should know…

ImageI guess, this is the best instruction guide for a startup founder. At a time when companies like Facebook, Google are stating design(er)s as a risk factor in their SEC filings. Focus on the product design and everything else follows.

Here is the ultimate tribute to product design by one of the best designers so far.

  • “I am always fascinated when I see the latest Apple products. Apple has managed to achieve what I never achieved: using the power of their products to persuade people to queue to buy them.”  — Dieter Rams.
  • I have always observed that good design can normally only emerge if there is a strong relationship between an entrepreneur and the head of design.  — Dieter Rams.

Startups, this is how design works. (via Startups, This Is How Design Works – by Wells Riley.)

Lessons for a Product Company…!

When the sales guys run the company, the product guys don’t matter so much, and a lot of them just turn off. It happened at Apple when Sculley came in, which was my fault, and it happened when Ballmer took over at Microsoft.

The Real Leadership Lessons of Steve Jobs – Harvard Business Review.

No wonder most products suffer from innovation and just settle down for improvisations. And then wonder how Apple can make 35% profit YOY.